Convert To Debuggable

apktool d -s UnCrackable-Level2.apk -o decoded 

d - decode -s means do not decode resources (we don’t need them. All we need is a manifest); -o – output directory.

Now, repack with -d option, that will automatically add debuggable = "true" to the AndroidManifest.xml:

apktool b decoded -d -o Uncrackable-Level1-repackaged.apk

where b stands for build. Option -d is very useful, as one would have to alter AndroidManifest.xml manually to add app:debuggable=true attribute to <application> tag.

Sign the app

The app needs to be signed, otherwise the installation of the unsigned app will fail. Use apksigner to check whether the app will pass the verification process during installation:

apksigner verify --print-certs --verbose Uncrackable-Level1-repackaged.apk

To sign the app, first create a keystore:

keytool -genkey -v -keystore <keystore-file>.keystore -alias <key-alias> -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000

Now, Sign with apksigner:

apksigner sign --ks apk1.keystore --ks-key-alias apk1-key-alias Uncrackable-1-rebuild.apk

Decompile the app – see the source code

First, convert .apk to .jar:

dex2jar -f UnCrackable-Level2.apk

Open Java Decompiler GUI tool:

java -jar jd-gui.jar

Route the APK Traffic to Debugger

Run the app in “wait for debugger” mode:

adb shell am start -D -n "owasp.mstg.uncrackable1/sg.vantagepoint.uncrackable1.MainActivity"

where am is an ActivityManager;

start starts a component;

-D enables debugging;

-n: don’t read from stdin

adb forward tcp:4321 jdwp:PID

tcp - LOCAL; jdwp - REMOTE (Emulator)

jdwp:PID stand for “use process id of the app and a JDWP as a transport protocol”.

Find PID by running:

adb shell ps | grep mstg

In order to suspend the execution of the app upon debugger connecting to it, pipe down suspend command to the jdb:

(echo suspend && cat) | jdb -connect com.sun.jdi.SocketAttach:hostname=localhost,port=4321

Basic Debugging Commands

stop in

It sets a breakpoint in function and let’s you change local variables in between.


Resumes the execution of the app.


Check the local variables in the app at that point of execution.The address of the entered password string and the address of the calculated password string is passed to strncmp as two paramterers